Tuesday 3 March 2009

And so the time has come for me to tackle my dissertation. Ah, the library. That mythical place that only third years and nutters venture has become my new home. Today, armed with a cheese sandwich and a Thermos of tea (all things are better with tea) I trudged up the hill and plonked myself in a corner. Having sufficiently spread out my books, pens, lunch etc I got to it.

The truth is, I'm really very interested in what I'm writing on. Despite this being only my third post, you may have noticed that I love women's writing. Indeed, how could I be a women who writes without having some admiration for those who came before me. So I spent my afternoon trawling through media archives trying to find reviews or comments on some of the most influential female authors of the last 50 years.

I love channelling the geek in me, and this project has enabled me not only to look at book reviews (brilliant), but also newspapers. My inner journalist practically salivated at the thought of reading examples of work that actually made the public think about certain books in certain ways. The media's grip on society is fascinating in a scary way - reviews of book, films and the like really do influence the way we read or watch them.

To think I want to be a part of that!

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